1987 Russia, Moscow. A prize-winner of Annual Competition for the Best Children’s Book, held by the State Commitee on Printing and Publishing of the USSR was awarded for the book A Midsummer-Night’s Dream by W.Shakespeare. Kniga Publishing House, Moscow, 1985
1989 Slovakia, Bratislava La Biennale International d’Illustrations de Bratislava BIB-89 a golden medal for the book Where a Dream Dreams by Janis Baltvilks. Detskaya Literatura, Moscow, 1988
1991 France, Paris The International GIELJ Competition Prize of Graphical Nomination for the book Alice in Wonderland by L.Carroll. Verlag J.F.Schreiber Ltd, Germany, 1991
1992 Germany German Academy for Children and Youth awarded The Book of the Month for the book I Don’t Dance Under Your Fife by Edith Thabet. Verlag J.F.Schreiber Ltd, Germany, 1992
1993 Austria, Vienne Republican Institute of Art 300 Best Books for Children and Teenagers for the book The Marzipan Man by Arnica Esterl. Verlag J.F.Schreiber Ltd, Germany, 1993
1996 Canada, Toronto Annick Press The Best Book of the Year in Canada for the book Free Son of the Seas by Richardo Keens-Douglas. Annick Press Ltd, Toronto New York, 1995
2003 Russia, Moscow. Winner of the International Triumph Prize
2004 Russia, Moscow. Winner of the Scarlet Sails Prize for book series The Old City, created by Julia Gukova. Fond Galereya, Chelyabinsk